OPF Workshop: Getting Started with veraPDF

Friday 24 May, 09:00 - 13:00 at the Nationaal Archief, The Hague

This half-day workshop will provide participants with an understanding of what veraPDF does, how to install and configure the software and how to interpret the results.

veraPDF is an open source, industry supported PDF/A validation and characterisation tool and part of the OPF reference toolset. It can be used by itself or as part of a digital preservation workflow. It is also embedded in several off-the-shelf digital preservation products.

Who should attend?

This digital preservation workshop is aimed at anyone who is new to veraPDF.

Learning objectives:


OPF members receive priority registration. Charter members are invited to register up to five participants free of charge, affiliate members can register for one place free of charge. The registration fee for non-members is €50.00.

Please note due to the practical nature of this workshop, we are limiting registration to 25 places.

To see the agenda and to register visit: https://openpreservation.org/event/opf-workshop-getting-started-with-verapdf/

We hope to see you in the Hague!

Kind Regards,

Charlotte Armstrong | Project Officer
Skype: charlotte.armstrong_7
Working days: Monday-Thursday

Open Preservation Foundation